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Patient Support Program Privacy Notice

This notice explains how Ferring manages your information in relation to the patient support program.

Legal Information

Data Controller

Ferring Inc., 200 Yorkland Boulevard, Suite 500, Toronto, Ontario, M2J 5C1, Canada responsible for the handling of your information. This responsibility may be exercised alone or jointly with other companies in the Ferring Group.

Personal Data

If you are a patient, the following information is collected:

  • Identification Data and Contact Details (e.g., name, gender, date of birth);
  • Health Data (your IVF history, whether you have participated in the patient support program before);

If you are a physician, the following information is collected:

  • Identification Data and Contact Details (e.g., name, license number, signature)
  • Professional information (e.g., clinic name, clinic address)

We obtain the Personal Data indirectly through our third-party vendor Sentrex Health Solutions. Where you prefer that we do not collect your personal information, we may not be able to provide assistance and undertake activities that we would otherwise provide or undertake.

Kindly note that third parties such as our vendors assisting Ferring provide services to you and may gather your personal data. We advise reviewing their privacy notices for further clarification.


Your Personal Data is used in accordance with the applicable Ferring Group privacy policy for purposes including:

  • To process submitted forms for eligibility of receiving Ferring product as part of the patient support program and physician education initiative;
  • To process a report regarding side effects, adverse drug reactions, adverse events or other safety information related to a Ferring drug/product. For information regarding the processing of special category data for this purpose please see the Pharmacovigilance Privacy Notice. 

Legal Basis

Your Personal Data will only be handled and used for the purposes above if:

  • We have obtained your consent according to applicable data protection and privacy laws, regulations, and directives;
  • We need to comply with our legal, regulatory, or reporting obligations or to comply with a court/authority order; or
  • We have a legitimate business interest such as developing and improving our products or services or marketing or managing our business operations.

Data Sharing

For the purposes listed above, third parties, such as those listed below may have access to your Personal Data:

  • Companies within the Ferring Group;
  • Suppliers and service providers;
  • Competent supervisory, regulatory authorities, or courts.


Ferring will follow the appropriate actions to ensure your personal data is retained only for the period required to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Notice. Ferring will only retain personal data for a longer period if required or permitted by law or by applicable regulations within the pharmaceutical industry.

Your Rights

You have the right to access, rectify, update, delete, object, limit the processing of your Personal Data, request data portability and withdraw your consent. You can exercise these rights by contacting Ferring via the Data Subject Contact Form

You also have the right to complain about the use of your Personal Data to the relevant Supervisory Authority.


We maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard Personal Data from unauthorized access or loss. While we continually monitor and update this security measures, please note that online protection is a shared responsibility. 

If you suspect any security compromise/vulnerability, please contact us immediately via this form: Data Subject Contact Form.


When you visit this website, data about your use of the website may be collected. This tracking technology uses cookies to collect aggregate data about website usage and activity, such as how many users visit the website and how often. This data may be shared with a third-party service provider in order to further improve our web services.

Unless you adjust your preferences to refuse cookies, Ferring and third parties will issue cookies when you digitally interact with us according to the Cookie Banners on the websites.

You can block cookies by adjusting your browser settings. You can also use our Cookie Banner to manage your preferences by accessing the “Privacy Preference Center” on our websites.


Please check our Privacy Notice whenever you visit our website for any updates. This will help you stay informed about our continuous efforts to uphold the highest standards of data protection.

Contact Information:

Contact us online at: Data Subject Contact Form or physically at:

Ferring Inc.

200 Yorkland Boulevard, Suite 500

Toronto, On, M2J 5C1


Global Privacy

(Att.: Data Protection Officer)

Ferring International Center S.A.

Chemin De la Vergognausaz 50

1162 St Prex


EU Representative for GDPR

(Att.: Data Protection Officer)

Ferring International PharmaScience Center (IPC)

Amager Strandvej 405

2770 Kastrup



Ferring Canada
200 Yorkland Boulevard, Suite 500
Toronto, Ontario, M2J 5C1 

Tel:  +1 416 490 0121 or +1 800 263 4057
Fax: 416 493 1692
